Saturday, March 8, 2014


there are many good reasons not to begin a blog tonight:

  1. it is saturday and I am preaching in the morning and not (entirely) finished the sermon
  2. it is also the one night a year that we lose an hour to daylight savings time
  3. blogging might be passe (more on this later)
  4. i have not finished renovating my kitchen
  5. i don't have time

but there's one good reason that compels me to ignore these others:

I want to. (more on this later)

If you're still reading, then I have just two promises to make, which I would like your help with:

  • what follows will not be a sermon.
  • i will not take much of your time. 

in fact, i want for this place to be very simple: one. hot. minute.*

one minute to wake up, come alive, shake off the death and dust, and rear a powerful, earthy yawp into the cybervoid.


*with thanks for a compelling title to a band from my youth.